Your Well-being

UC cares about your health and well-being. Access the services that you need to have a healthy and productive study abroad.

Each campus has a Student Health Center that will be your first stop for routine health problems and minor injuries. Basic services are free or offered at low cost. The center will refer you to off-campus and specialist services as necessary. If you choose treatment at a non-campus medical office, the cost of that visit may not be paid by your campus health insurance.

The center also provides health education and resources. You can obtain information on general health, nutrition and sexual health, including contraception, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and HIV/AIDS. Contraceptives are offered at low or no cost. Information and confidential consultations with licensed health practitioners are available to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Contact the services office prior to your arrival at UC to confirm the availability of medications and treatment you need.

Study abroad is personally and intellectually rewarding but can also be stressful. Prior physical or psychological disorders can worsen when adjusting to life in a new environment.

Counseling is a common practice in the United States, and an accepted option for young adults facing new challenges. Licensed counselors can connect you with services and resources. All services are confidential.

To ensure continuity of services you receive at home, contact the services office about the availability of medications and treatment.

Students with disabilities and special needs (temporary or permanent) can and do study abroad. UC provides assistance and services to support students so they can participate fully in campus programs and activities.

Register with the services office prior to your arrival to ensure the access and accommodations you need are available at the start of the term. All services are confidential.